Paradigm Shift
14 February 2021

Paradigm Shift

What is a Paradigm?

Paradigm is generally accepted rule in a subject or field.

While paradigm is important for the continuity of something, it can cause negativity in terms of development. The paradigm is the comfort zone, defined acceptances, absolute rules, and demarcated shapes. But innovation, development and transformation are not for him. Therefore, the paradigm must be flexible. It should be open to changes and prone to transformations.

100 years ago, the laws of mechanics and thermodynamics dominated the science of physics, everything in the world was tried to be explained by these laws, and they worked most of the time. But when it came to space and subatomic fields, these laws began to be inadequate. At that time, it was almost a taboo to think about anything other than these generally accepted rules, it was almost forbidden. It was impossible to say anything against them. However, thanks to people who could think differently and approach events from different points of view, new doors were opened in science and other fields, and human beings moved on to worlds they did not know before. These are thanks to paradigm shifts. It has been understood that the rules that apply to certain conditions and areas may not be valid in another dimension, and that other rules may function there. Quantum and space studies in physics are one of the best examples of this. So paradigms can change according to size, time, knowledge, understanding. Otherwise, human civilization would not be able to go into space today.

Medical Paradigm

A similar situation is valid for the medical field, of course. There is no need to go back too far, even in the recent past many previously considered absolute issues have come to be questioned and the veracity of various assumptions has been denied, such as cholesterol and sugar. Various practices have turned out to be wrong, such as having appendicitis surgery on all children once.

Still, colleagues who suggest something other than general acceptance face very violent reactions and are almost excommunicated. Of course, it is easier for everyone to think in the same way, to look at events and the world from the same window, and this is understandable. But it goes against scientific attitude. The right thing is not to immediately reject new things and hypotheses, but to thoroughly question, research, examine and make inferences. No matter how ridiculous it may seem, an idea cannot be considered unscientific, illegal unless it is experimentally proven otherwise, otherwise science or scientists will clash with their philosophy.

In recent years, an increasing number of new approaches / recommendations / studies have begun to be observed in medical science. Individual treatment approaches, not the disease; radical changes in diet understanding; integration of nanotechnologies with human body etc.

One of the new topics is traditional and complementary medicine approaches. Although this is increasingly respected in our country and in the world, it is still a subject that is viewed cold and defended by the professional majority. One of the reasons for this is that it contains too many fields, the other is that it has been abused by people who do not have professional competence for many years, and another is that not enough work has been done (with modern methods).

Of course, the professional traditionalist understanding has these justified arguments from its point of view, but it should be remembered that the highest principle that binds not only the medical profession but all disciplines is scientific attitude. Therefore, nothing can yet be considered unscientific after its usefulness and importance are not overruled or denied through scientific studies. Otherwise, one can only talk about a scientific attitude, but a war of egos, and bigoted thought bias.

A medical paradigm shift is taking place in the field of health amidst the dust of various scientific, political and economic developments and turmoil in recent years. In fact, energy medicine is a subject that has been known and applied by humanity for thousands of years. But, especially in the last couple of centuries, with the increasing importance of modern medicine, especially laboratory experiments, it is an almost completely ignored, forgotten subject.

For nearly 50 years, the subject has attracted the attention of doctors and other scientists who have received modern medical education, and various studies have been carried out on this subject. But most studies are sabotaged, denigrated and defamed for professional ideological and global economic reasons rather than scientific reasons.

This causes science to stay out of an important health problem. Effects of energy on human body and health.

Energy is a tool used in various ways in modern medicine. Especially in diagnostic methods. It is a known fact that methods such as ultrasound, x-ray, tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, electrocardiography, electroencephalography, electromyography, nuclear radiation are used to detect different types of energy and various diseases. On the other hand, many of our body's biophysical activities are explained especially by electrical energy. It is even used for treatment with methods such as energy cauterization, ablation, pacemaker, and defibrillation.

Although this close relationship with energy is known, its positive / negative effects on the human body have not received enough attention yet.

However, we are intertwined with various forms of energy, starting from the atom to the molecular level, from there to our cellular, textural, organic and systemic structure. We generate energy, release energy, receive energy, store energy.

Well, during this whole process, in an average of 70-80 years of life, especially in the last 20-30 years, when we have been so involved with electrical / electronic devices, do we not have energetic interactions? Are there no changes in our energetic field / structure? If so, how long does it occur and in what ways? How should they be treated?

These questions, for some reason, are not asked much and it seems like they are not of interest to anyone. So who should deal with these issues if it concerns health? Of course the doctors.

Such an important issue is overlooked. Think about it ... For thousands of years, people have always found something from outside for treatment, herbs, water, medicines, interventions, etc. However, energy medicine suggests that the healing is inside, in the person, psychically and somatically. This is actually a very important medical paradigm shift. It's not an approach we've been trained in so far, I guess it's a little scary for him. But ultimately, as its reality is proven more and its use increases and improves, it can be a leap forward in the field of health for all humanity. How?

As this area is investigated, conditions that impair human health will begin to be examined in deeply energetic areas from biochemical processes, and the correction of energetic vibrations, which are our most basic building blocks, will show itself in the transition to higher levels and will provide healing. In the coming years, thanks to various biofrequency devices that have been added to artificial intelligence, this method will be competent and accelerated and scenes we know from science fiction films will be realized. With the help of a device, energetic pathologies will be detected and the same level of treatments will be applied, and the processes that take years and require tons of medication will be shortened considerably. Energy medicine, in other words, vibration medicine will be a new door in the field of health.

Isn't this a medical paradigm shift?

Dr. Emin Ali Tutuncu / 17.07.2020 / Antalya

( instagram: @eminalitutuncu – )

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