Human and Health
13 February 2021

Human and Health

"There is no valid object in the public like the state, the state to be like a state in the world is like a breath of health" (Muhibbi)

While the whole world was waiting for great and modern "antichrists" such as huge armies, great wars, and high-tech weapons, a tiny virus - so small that it is not even visible to the eye - came from nature and threw the whole world like a cotton wool and literally took the head of the person who took his head from the door.

It can be said that this is a biological weapon coming from the laboratory, not from nature… Even so, it was a biological creature and its root was in nature and this event is not under the control of anyone at the moment. Let's say that country A produced this virus in the X lab, and there is even the R family behind the work, and they also developed the vaccine long before this virus spread and then spread it to the world. First of all, this virus is a living organism and can possibly infect the children of those who have had new mutations and spread this virus, the vaccine they have is useless against that newly developing virus, they have nothing to do, this is predictable but not absolutely prevented, it is not a weapon that you can fully control. Second, let's say those who somehow spread it were found and exposed or even eliminated. After all, will such epidemic risk disappear from the world?

Although it has developed naturally, there will always be such risks, we have already experienced this several times in the last 20 years, one of which was the SARS epidemic in 2003, and this was exactly the job of our corona virus, as well as its first big job, then swine flu, bird We've seen global epidemics like flu, MERS. If we go back to earlier times, we will see rapidly developing infection problems such as the plague epidemic, cholera epidemic, Spanish flu, Asian flu, and slower developing infections such as leprosy, measles, polio, HIV, but that have affected or affecting almost the whole world.

I mean, whatever the reasons for their origin, such problems will always exist in this life as a risk. The main reasons for these are ultimately microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc. Just like us, they struggle to survive and accordingly they change, transform, develop tactics, attack… These are quite understandable and natural things actually. The problem begins when this aggressive progression of one species encounters another species, for us, especially humans. The unprepared side loses, retreats. This struggle has been going on for thousands of years as a struggle for life and death.

In this struggle, we call the conditions in which we weaken, illness, and the situations where we remain strong, as health. In fact, this struggle continues not only on one front, but on dozens, hundreds of fronts, but most of the time we are not aware of it, our body does it automatically. Every day, we come into contact with thousands, millions of microorganisms and substances with what we eat, drink, the air we breathe, and the surfaces we touch. These dozens of types of external forces (antigens) cause various reactions in our body, some are eliminated physically, some chemically. If our army (our immune system) is strong, we don't see, hear, or even feel these struggles. Here is the trick.

It is impossible not to encounter microbes, but it is in our hands not to get sick when we do, or to overcome it quickly and easily when we do. For this, we must take care of our bodies not only today, but also tomorrow. Our carelessness will grow over the years and emerge as a chronic disease. This will make us hospitalised, bedridden or kill us even in the slightest and simplest illness. This is one of the problems we frequently encounter in hospitals, especially in winter.

This is one of the reasons for the current distress, without Covid-19, it is impossible to find empty beds in intensive care units due to the exacerbation of chronic diseases during these periods. Now, let alone thousands, even a few hundred serious Covid-19 patients will disrupt the functioning of the current system. Then the rest will come like a sock ripper. Because the difference of Covid-19 from other corona viruses is that it multiplies faster and can cause more infections.

The reason for the confusion in the world at the moment and the lack of consensus in discourses is that there is not enough data yet, which makes it difficult to predict the course of the infection. But the common view is this; minimizing contact, paying attention to individual hygiene of everybody, drinking plenty of water, supporting the organism with vitamins, etc. In other words, taking precautions that we should be doing most of them already and wait and see.

And hoping that a vaccine will be produced and a medicine will be found in this process… Why not think about and study on other methods? However, one of the reasons we encounter such big crises is the deficiencies and mistakes in our approach to the events; looking at the world from one angle, one sided. From these crises our lessons should also be self-criticism, tidy up ourselves, changing our paradigms.

If we put aside the social, economic, political and moral parts of the work and look at the scientific / medical part… Now people should take the reins of their own health into their own hands. If I am sick, the understanding of my mother, father, doctors or the system will save and heal me should be avoided. In order not to be sick, people should learn to pay attention to what they eat without getting sick, to exercise, to follow hygiene rules, to follow control tests, to reduce energetic exposure, to be at peace with themselves and their environment. Doctors, on the other hand, rely on drugs or vaccines to be produced in factories as a remedy for every disease; The world of science should learn to give up on the same problems with the same methods that cannot be solved, think that energetic factors can cause diseases as well as macroscopic and microscopic reasons, should benefit from the complementary effects of traditional medicine as well as modern medicine, develop holistic views and interdisciplinary approaches not only by analyzing but also by synthesizing. …

That's when all people can breathe freely and realize the value of their well-being.

Dr. Emin Ali Tutuncu / 19.03.2020 / Antalya

( instagram: @eminalitutuncu – )

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