Giving Up Sugar
21 February 2021

Giving Up Sugar


It is one of the foods discovered a few thousand years ago in thousands of years of human history. In fact, many societies have not been aware of this food for many years. It has been widely used for a few centuries. In short, people have lived without sugar for thousands of years. Sugar, like other addictive things like cigarettes and alcohol, gives people a pleasure and a taste. This is the main reason of the habit, otherwise the body does not have a physiological need under normal conditions. We already get sugar from other foods, especially fruits, in the form of fructose. Foods that contain mainly carbohydrates turn into glucose, which is the most basic form of sugar that is broken down in the body, this is one of the energy sources of the cells, and as you can see, most of the foods go through these processes and we do not need to get a special sugar from outside.

So how do we get rid of sugar, how do we give up sugar?

Of course, it depends on the will of the person, body and health. In the appropriate situation, it can be stopped suddenly as cutting with a knife or gradually by spreading over time.


A gradual release can be started by reducing the amount. Cut your daily amount of sweet / sugar in half, sometimes within a few days, sometimes within a few months, the body will get used to this situation, and you will see that the sugar you took in the previous amounts is no longer comfortable. Just as your body gets used to the bad, it gets used to the good. When you consume sugar after a certain period of time, your body even starts to react quickly. For example, acne or other rashes may appear on the skin. With this, the body is actually trying to expel this substance that is not useful for it. This reaction can occur in other ways. When you learn to listen to your own body, you naturally cut this substance and within a few days your problem will clear. Since this is not known or ignored, if various foods, including sugar, are consumed for years despite the body's reactions, the organism eventually gives up and starts to break out from somewhere, and various chronic diseases occur.


You can also use the stevia plant, which is thought to have no bad effect on the body in your fight against sugar.

Dark chocolate

Another practical tip is for chocolate lovers. In addition to reducing the dose, start consuming dark chocolate, you can start with low cocoa, then switch to products with higher cocoa percentages, eventually when you switch to 99% dark / bitter chocolate, even other dark chocolates will start to look very sweet to you.

Routine & Special

You can also use the following method in this fight. Determine your routine days, that is, days when you have standard behaviors such as home-work work-home, home-school-school-home. Motivate yourself for these days. Pay more attention to your diet in those days. Loosen the reins a little on special days such as holidays and celebrations other than these days. But don't release. This is important. This should not be a reward system. I was on a diet for 5 days, and now i reward myself for 2 days, that job will break down after a while.

Healthy Lifestyle

This should be a lifestyle, but not so tight and rigid that you will suffocate yourself, you need to balance. After a while, you will move away from your habits, and then you will be surprised, "How did I consume these foods for years, how did I neglect this".

Dr. Emin Ali Tutuncu 

( instagram: @eminalitutuncu – )

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